메 이 트 온


| 언어/Talk English
ZyenYa 2019. 10. 25. 16:54

Are you okay? Not really

大丈夫ですか? あんまり

괘찮으세요? 별로요

你还好吗? 不太好

I have a toothache 我牙疼

He has a headache 我头痛

She has a stomachache 我肚子疼

I have an earache 我耳朵疼

I have backache 我背疼

I have a cold 我感冒了

I have a fever 我有点发烧

I have a sore throat 我嗓子疼

I have a cough 我咳嗽

I have a runny nose 我流鼻水

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